PaidToLogin: Getting paid to login!

Hi all. This is Bright Joe. In this article, I am gonna share how you can earn money for logging in or simply you get paid to login. You might think, why are they paying money just for logging in. It’s a good thing that you have this question. It’s because they have an advertising platform where ads show up whenever you login. It’s low paying without referrals, but just think that you have got 3 referrals who login 30 days per month, you get 177$ per month.
You can own as many referrals you want, but they should be active or you get get much.
Okay now, I won’t write more about it. 😀
Let’s come to the point.

How to get started?

  1. Click here to register a account.
  2. You will see no navigation bar, but one form says Sign up or login. You type in your email in the username and desired password in the password field.
  3. Click on Sumbit.
  4. Now you have created your account, to login simply put the same email and password in the same form and click sumbit. You will be taken to a page where you get to see an advertisement.
  5. Click on SKIP AD.
  6. Now you are in the account dashboard.

As a member, you get free advertising of banners! Whenever you login once a day, you get 1 banner impression for free without any cost! You can add your Paypal account ID in the settings tab.

Minimum payout is 1$ for Paypal and 0.01 $ for perfect money!
Please use my referral link:

This would help me, thanks..

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