Getting unlimited free Internet on Dial-up Networks!

Hello there,

I am Bright Joe and I had been away from Bright Tutorials for a long time. Many of you have requested me about posting the free internet trick for dial-up connections. Well, I have got the answer to your question and the answer is here in this post.

Let’s move to the point! 😀

 Required Program/Software:

  • Your Freedom:
    Your Freenom is a popular tunneling software used by many internet users which helps you bypass all blocked contents on your internet connection. Your Freenom usually helps the most at getting free internet on Dial-up networks.  Well, I don’t know the reason behind it but it works and I myself have tried it using the most popular Dial-up network available in my city.

There is one more important thing about Your Freenom; it gives you a trial account which is available for 3 hours per day which is enough for checking mails and working and browsing through social medias such as Facebook, Twitter and more.

It is quite like PD-Proxy which I will be mentioning in any of my post later and what are it’s uses and how and why you should use it. Similarly PD-Proxy too limits your account with data usage which extends up to 100 MB and then you are disconnected from the sever which is same as Your Freenom.

Taking action for free internet! 😀

Now it’s time to use free internet on our Dial-up networks. Let’s move to the point and get the free internet now!

Follow these steps to gain free internet access using your Dial-Up modem or connection.

  1. Download Your Freedom which is free to download.
  2. Now after downloading the software, it’s time to install the application and I believe I don’t have to show how to install an application or program to your computer.
  3. Now Open the tunneling client- Your Freedom. Under the status navigation bar look the configure option and click on it then another box will appear with different options.
  4. Click on the “Account information” section and enter the username and the password which you already registered at
  5. Now click on the “Proxy settings” section.
  6. Click on the “Wizard” button and click on next.
  7. Now do not do anything to the drop-down menu which appears, click on next again.
  8. Now you make to check all these protocols: HTTPS, HTTP, FTP, UDP and DNS.
  9. Now Click on “Server Connection” on the menu and then click on “Wizard”, now it’s time to wait for a while till the servers load. Now when you are done with scanning the servers, click on any of the server near to your location and click “Next”.
  10. Now click on “Save and Exit”
  11. Now click on “Start Connection” and wait for the connection to connect. Now when it’s connected, you will see that the data is being received(downloaded) and sended(uploaded).

    Note: If you are not being connected even after waiting for 2-3 minutes, simply choose another server and connect to it.

You can also get a premium account which provides unlimited free data and there is no time limit, and you will have full access to the NAT settings and much more. You will even get optimized speed which is unlimited! 😀

Thanks and hope this works for you. Good Luck guys and keep visiting my blog and keep supporting me like you always do! 😀

Let’s take Bright Tutorials to the world and please share this post if you like it as Sharing is caring. 😀


7 thoughts on “Getting unlimited free Internet on Dial-up Networks!

  1. sadick

    thanks sir for your usefull information but i have tried that software and it says can nit fine a server and i have followed each and every step the developer gave me but it still it keept sying can not find a server. any help please?


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