How to Make Money Online with Traffic Monsoon?

Traffic Monsoon, Make money with Traffic Monsoon

Are you tired of low referrals without referrals. Well, this post is just for you. There are many who are trying to make serious money online. But it is mainly possible if you choose advertising as your task. Even I started earning money online starting from one cents per day which is miserable. But day by day I gained more knowledge on advertising.

I wanted to make good money online and help myself. Now earning has become more easier than it was years ago. You get paid to click on advertisements which is the simplest job ever created. Let us see how you can make money just by clicking with the help of your hands and fingers.

Traffic Monsoon: Introduction

Traffic Monsoon is one of those sites that pay you for clicking links or advertisements. Well, it is too simple. Traffic Monsoon not only gives you fast money but also give you free visitors to your website or blog, or any link you want to promote.
I found a site named Traffic Monsoon which pays you for doing this simple task. You can earn too. What you need is just a mouse and a laptop or desktop. The main benefit, you can also use your Mobile phones (Android and IOS) to click and work on Traffic Monsoon.
You must click all the advertisements everyday and browse at least ten pages in the traffic exchange section to receive your referral earnings.

Why Should You Join Traffic Monsoon: More Benefits

Now, we have come to the benefits of Traffic Monsoon. The blast takes place here. You will be surprised to see how beneficial it is to work with Traffic Monsoon. Let us go through detailed points.

  • One Cent per click.
  • You can earn +0.15 dollars everyday without any referrals.
  • At least 10 ads everyday.
  • 100% Referral commission.
  • Free traffic and link promotion.
  • Low cash out at 2 dollars only.
  • Fast Cash out within 10 minutes.

Now calculate, suppose you have ten active referrals who click daily. Just see the amount you can earn. You can earn more than 0.15 Dollars per day from your click along with the referral commission. So You get 10*.0.15= 1.5 dollars for just ten referrals. Remember to surf at least 10 sites on the traffic exchange in order to receive your referral earnings! 😀

How to get started with Traffic Monsoon?

Well, now you have seen how useful program Traffic Monsoon is. Now it is the time to get started with it. Start earning now. Remember that you will need a PayPal account to cash out your earnings. You can cash out as soon as you reach two USD. You payments will be made within ten to fifteen minutes.

Join and start earning with Traffic Monsoon. Simple click here to Register today! 🙂

For any help, please do not hesitate to make a  comment below! 😉


Getting unlimited free Internet on Dial-up Networks!

Hello there,

I am Bright Joe and I had been away from Bright Tutorials for a long time. Many of you have requested me about posting the free internet trick for dial-up connections. Well, I have got the answer to your question and the answer is here in this post.

Let’s move to the point! 😀

 Required Program/Software:

  • Your Freedom:
    Your Freenom is a popular tunneling software used by many internet users which helps you bypass all blocked contents on your internet connection. Your Freenom usually helps the most at getting free internet on Dial-up networks.  Well, I don’t know the reason behind it but it works and I myself have tried it using the most popular Dial-up network available in my city.

There is one more important thing about Your Freenom; it gives you a trial account which is available for 3 hours per day which is enough for checking mails and working and browsing through social medias such as Facebook, Twitter and more.

It is quite like PD-Proxy which I will be mentioning in any of my post later and what are it’s uses and how and why you should use it. Similarly PD-Proxy too limits your account with data usage which extends up to 100 MB and then you are disconnected from the sever which is same as Your Freenom.

Taking action for free internet! 😀

Now it’s time to use free internet on our Dial-up networks. Let’s move to the point and get the free internet now!

Follow these steps to gain free internet access using your Dial-Up modem or connection.

  1. Download Your Freedom which is free to download.
  2. Now after downloading the software, it’s time to install the application and I believe I don’t have to show how to install an application or program to your computer.
  3. Now Open the tunneling client- Your Freedom. Under the status navigation bar look the configure option and click on it then another box will appear with different options.
  4. Click on the “Account information” section and enter the username and the password which you already registered at
  5. Now click on the “Proxy settings” section.
  6. Click on the “Wizard” button and click on next.
  7. Now do not do anything to the drop-down menu which appears, click on next again.
  8. Now you make to check all these protocols: HTTPS, HTTP, FTP, UDP and DNS.
  9. Now Click on “Server Connection” on the menu and then click on “Wizard”, now it’s time to wait for a while till the servers load. Now when you are done with scanning the servers, click on any of the server near to your location and click “Next”.
  10. Now click on “Save and Exit”
  11. Now click on “Start Connection” and wait for the connection to connect. Now when it’s connected, you will see that the data is being received(downloaded) and sended(uploaded).

    Note: If you are not being connected even after waiting for 2-3 minutes, simply choose another server and connect to it.

You can also get a premium account which provides unlimited free data and there is no time limit, and you will have full access to the NAT settings and much more. You will even get optimized speed which is unlimited! 😀

Thanks and hope this works for you. Good Luck guys and keep visiting my blog and keep supporting me like you always do! 😀

Let’s take Bright Tutorials to the world and please share this post if you like it as Sharing is caring. 😀


PaidToLogin: Getting paid to login!

Hi all. This is Bright Joe. In this article, I am gonna share how you can earn money for logging in or simply you get paid to login. You might think, why are they paying money just for logging in. It’s a good thing that you have this question. It’s because they have an advertising platform where ads show up whenever you login. It’s low paying without referrals, but just think that you have got 3 referrals who login 30 days per month, you get 177$ per month.
You can own as many referrals you want, but they should be active or you get get much.
Okay now, I won’t write more about it. 😀
Let’s come to the point.

How to get started?

  1. Click here to register a account.
  2. You will see no navigation bar, but one form says Sign up or login. You type in your email in the username and desired password in the password field.
  3. Click on Sumbit.
  4. Now you have created your account, to login simply put the same email and password in the same form and click sumbit. You will be taken to a page where you get to see an advertisement.
  5. Click on SKIP AD.
  6. Now you are in the account dashboard.

As a member, you get free advertising of banners! Whenever you login once a day, you get 1 banner impression for free without any cost! You can add your Paypal account ID in the settings tab.

Minimum payout is 1$ for Paypal and 0.01 $ for perfect money!
Please use my referral link:

This would help me, thanks..

Thanks for reading my articles/posts… For more, stay tuned and updated!

Codecady: Learning Web Development for Free

Hi all. It’s me Bright Joe. There are many people wanting to learn Web developing for free online. Some courses do take money for teaching you. But I have got a brilliant way to learn them fast and free. There are over 3 million students learning for free in that website. You too can learn HTML and CSS, and more for free at Codecademy for free. I had been learning here for 4 years and am still learning for free!

For joining, you do not need any credit card or money. There are some things, which are required to join Codecademy. They are-

1. A valid email address [You can get one for free at Gmail, Yahoo mail or Hotmail]

2. If you are completely new to HTML and CSS coding, learn from the beginning.

Always start learning from the HTML coding because it’s the most important for beginners. They will show you how to create a HTML file and code it from the beginning. There are many HTML tags which you can learn from W3schools for free and how and why they are used. Learn the HTML tags before you get started with Codecademy.
After learning HTML completely, you should start learning CSS which is used to design webpages in different forms and layouts. This makes your website look professional. Get started with W3schools and Codecademy today and start learning now before it’s too late.
You should have great patience in order to learn, if you give 2 hours per day learning and understanding, within 6-8 months, you will complete HTML and CSS properly.

You can then make awesome unique templates by taking ideas of the internet and sell them, which provides you some money for yourself. There are many websites providing these types of features to users which allow them to sell their own made templates for about $ 1- $ 100! Make sure it’s professional and responsive before you sell them.
Some websites which sells templates for you are:                                                                                                                 1. Themeforest

2. Templamatic

These two are really famous for selling website templates. There are some more but I recommend using Themeforect of Templamatic.

Thanks for reading this article. Hope it helps you.

For more, stay tuned and updated!

2 Easiest Ways of Making Money Online!

What’s up buddies?

In this post, I m gonna share something really useful with you. It will help you get started with the Internet in order to make some money online.

  1. PTC (Paid to Click)
  2. Writing Articles


1. Paid To Click Sites: [Takes a long time to get good earnings]

I recently work at a PTC site which is 100% working and legit. It’s the Transitbux.. It really pays and is a good paying site. You can get started today without anything problems. You will just need a Paypal account to withdraw your earnings.
It’s very fast and easy to earn in this way.

There are also many scam PTC sites. I suggest you to join Transitbux which really pays!

How to get started with Transitbux?

It is a good question that many of you might have in your minds.. Now just follow the steps to get started..

  1. Click Here to go to Transitbux.
  2. Now you will see in the Navigation bar- Register.
  3. Just click there and fill up the form with your personal information, including email address, username and password, etc.
  4. Now click on Register button below.
  5. Now go your Email inbox to find the Transitbux Confirmation Email.. It is compulsory to confirm or you can earn!
  6. Now Login in your Transitbux account and Read the messages because clicking ads.. You must click all the ads everyday to create a successful carrier with PTC(Paid to Click)
  7. Now Happy Earning and Cashout after you make your first 2$..

Note: Please do not cashout at first but instead use that money to rent referrals which will increase your income everyday..

Another great site and high paying is the Hits4Pay..

It pays to for seeing their advertisers’ website for 1 minute or so and you get 0.02 $ for each. If you have 15 ads, you can earn 0.32$ a day at first..

Use my referral link and get 5$ for bonus:

Steps to get started:

  1.  Click here and use my referral link to get 5$ bonus for signup- Click Here
  2. Now Register
  3. Confirm your account.
  4. Now you have to wait at least 1 day to get approved with your Hits4Pay account..
  5. Once you have got it approved, whenever you get ads.. Click them and earn from them!
  6. Happy earnings and fun! 😀

2. Writing Articles:

There is an awesome way to earn money online using your writing skills.. Now you can use it to make money for yourself! The process is very easy- You write any article, publish that and it is then reviewed by the Admins, and if the article is good enough with minimum 300 words, your article will be approved.. Now your page/article is published and the website admin is running ads on his site, so it is your page/article making that website appropriate for advertising… They pay you lifetime royalties.. You don’t even need to manage your page/article, once you have written it and published, it will make you auto-money! Easier than adsense right? Yes, it is easy as a pie..

One of the trusted site is- WikiNut 

Wikinut is a trusted site which pays you for writing articles.. It’s superb easy. Always write simple things and you can get approved easily and earn lifetime royalties.

Steps to get started-

  1. Go to Wikinut
  2. Register for a account.
  3. Confirm your account.
  4. Login
  5. Write your Bio and fix your profile.
  6. Now create a page on any topic you like.
  7. Publish it, it will be reviewed at first then be published.
  8. You now earn lifetime royalties or earnings!

Thanks for reading this article and I am sure this will help you!
Make sure to comment and ask questions! 😉

Hacking ISP for free internet or Bypass ISP Login Page!

Hello dudes,

In this particular post, I m gonna share with you an awesome trick to bypass your ISP login page and gain internet access for free. This trick is work on all WAN networks except Dial-up networks. Networks which uses a username and password to connect are known as PPPoE will not work with this trick because every client uses a different username and password. But it will work on Static IP and DHCP networks!

I have written an updated article on this topic which you should read if you want to see everything in action and step-by-step.

For Dial-Up users-

Required Software:

Netcut: This is a software which finds IPs and MAC or Physical addresses of the connected clients in your network. There are hundreds of users and sometimes thousands in a particular ISP. This software has a user-friendly interface which is quite easy for beginners.

Steps for Getting Free Internet!

  1. Download Netcut
  2. Install Netcut and run it.
  3. Now, you have to allow perhaps 10 seconds for the software to scan the connected clients and show their information.
  4. Now, as mention earlier that it will only work on DHCP and Static IP networks. You have to choose any one client and copy down it’s MAC Address and IP address in Notepad.
  5. Now we will have to change our computer’s Physical address and IP address. First of all, you have to go to Network and Sharing Center. Then click on Change Adapter Settings and right click on your adapter name and then click on Properties.
  6. Now click on Configure and move to Advanced tab. Then look for Network Address in the list, and then you will find that it is set to Not Present. Now tick or check Value and type the MAC address you copied from Netcut. This will restart your adapter, so wait 10 seconds until it reconnects properly.
  7. Now, it’s time to apply the IP we copied from Netcut. Now right click on your adapter name and click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties. Now click on Use the following IP address.
    Fill the blanks like this:
    IP Address: Put the IP you got from Netcut.
    Subnet Mask: Use the same subnet mask you got from your ISP.
    Default Gateway: Use the same gateway IP you got from your ISP.
    To find the Subnet mask and Default gateway, you have to open up Command Prompt and type this command: IPCONFIG and you will find the subnet mask and gateway.

Congrats: You now have a free internet connection!
If one client is not working, use another!

You can also visit my latest blog where I post weekly for the latest gaming and tech tips.

How does it Work?

For example, you are trying to access Google but when you press enter, instead of going to Google, it will redirect you to the ISP login page or ISP Website. So when you change your MAC and IP addresses, you change your identity and you get access to the internet.

This trick can also speed up your internet. If the client you choose is from a big company and uses an internet package which has a greater speed, you will get the same speed as they get.

I think, this post will help you with getting free internet.

If you are using a Router

Hey guys, I got a huge number of questions on how to apply this on routers because routers have become a common device which almost 90% of the Internet users use. Well, I tried this and succeeded. Let’s see how you can do this on your Router.

I have written a recent blog post on how to boost WiFi signal using a DIY WiFi extender. This usually helps boost your Internet speed significantly if you’re using a router.

I don’t know all the router’s interface but this option is known as MAC Clone. You can change your MAC address to the address you found on Netcut. Also change your router connection setting to Static IP if it’s set to DHCP. You have to set the IP as shown above. I hope that will help because it worked for me and I was enjoying the free internet with my family. 😀


Please share if I could help you and let your friends know.
Don’t forget to comment below and if you face any problems, write them below and I will leave a reply and get something new for you! 😉


How to Host a COD4 Public Server for Free?

What’s up guys?
This post is for those who are interested in hosting a Call of Duty 4 Public Server for free. I play COD4 and I really like and hosting your own Public server is like a dream where you can kick any players and send messages to certain members and all these stuffs.

Required Stuffs:

  1. A Computer (Windows XP/7/8)
  2. Active Internet Connection (Minimum 2 Mbps speed)
  3. A good PC with at least 4 Gigs of RAM and a good GPU for larger number of slots.
  4. GameRanger Software for more players.
  5. Modern Rcon for configuring your server.

Steps to get your Server Online:

  1. Open a room in Game Ranger.
  2. First start server with default settings and then leave game.
  3. Now click on Make a Server and make Dedicated to Internet.
  4. Now you will be that your game closes and a new window appears which is the console. Now you will see a text box right under it, type “rcon_password [YourDesiredPassword]” and press Enter.
  5. Open Modern Rcon which you downloaded.
  6. Type in your IPv4 IP Address in the IP Address box.
  7. Type in the rcon password which you applied in the COD4 console.
  8. Then simple click on Connect and you will be connected and given authority to the server. Now you can kick players, ban them, send messages and do all other stuffs.


Note: You can join your server by opening COD4 Multiplayer (iw3mp.exe) from your game directory and open up the console and type in /connect [YourIPv4Address]:28960 and you will be connect to your server.

I believe that this post helps you in hosting your own COD4 server. Enjoy your power in your own server! 😀

Share, like and comment!

Increasing Windows Speed without Upgrading RAM

Hi guys!

In this post, I m gonna share about a trick which can increase your Windows speed for free without upgrading your RAM. If you are facing issues with your PC, this is the best trick to fix your computer. It is really painful and horrible to have a PC which is slow and hangs  frequently. I happened to me and I know the consequence of it.

Once I had only 1 GB of RAM which was horrible but good enough for a personal PC which is used for smalls works like surfing the internet and doing some office work.

Required Software:

CCleaner: This is a software by Piriform which is free to use. It  removes junk files and unwanted softwares and registries which boost your PC speed. It also removes your browser cookies and histories for optimized browsing speed.

Cleaning your PC with CCleaner: [Recommended] 😉

  1. Download CCleane which is 100% free.
  2. Then install CCleaner and open it.
  3. Click on Analyze and this will scan for junk files and errors which occupy huge space in your PC especially affects the RAM before these files are stored in the system Temp directory.
  4. After the scan is finished, click on Run Cleaner to clean this junkies. 😀
  5. Now we have to clean the unwanted registries which are using a good amount of space in the hard disk. So, click on Registry from the left column.
  6. Now click on Scan for Issues and it will start scanning unwanted and damaged registries. After scanning has been completed, click on Fix Selected Issues.

Now you have deleted both the junkies and the unwanted issues or registries which used huge amount of space in your PC.

Cleaning your Windows without any Software: 🙂

  1. First of all, you have to open Run by press Windows Button+R together.
  2. Then type “tree” and press Enter. You will see that a CMD window opens and commands rain into it automatically. There is nothing to be scared off. It’s just a system refresh.
  3. Now again open Run and type “temp” and press Enter. A new window will open where you will find several files and folders. Select all by pressing Ctrl+A together and press left Shift+Delete together to delete those files and folder permanently. Remember that all the files and folder won’t get deleted because those the system programs’ files and folders.
  4. Now again open Run and type “prefetch” and press Enter like always. Again a new window appears like Temp folder. Select all the files and delete them permanently.
  5. Now again open Run and type “tree” and it will system refresh your Windows.
This small trick will increase your Computer speed by 30% or more for free! If you liked this post, please share and comment if you fail to do anything. I am always there to reply and help you out! 😀

How to Hack Internet Speed by changing DNS Servers?

Hey guys!

Do you want to increase your internet speed without paying extra? Well, then this trick is the perfect one for you. This trick will increase your speed by 20% or more. It helps you get better speed at both Downloads and Uploads. It might not increase your upload speed but it will obviously increase the download speed.

How does it Work?

This trick works with the help of DNS. If you use a slower DNS server, you will find your speeds low. So it’s important to switch to a faster DNS Server. There are several DNS servers available but we need the ones which give high performance.

If we change our DNS settings, we might get better speeds. Now let’s see which DNS servers are better for our internet and which will help us get more speed. The best and most popular free DNS servers are Google DNS and OpenDNS and both are free and gives better speeds!

Google DNS servers:


OpenDNS servers:


Changing the DNS Servers:

  1. Go to “Network and Sharing Center“.
  2. Click on “Change Adapter Settings“.
  3. Right click on your adapter and then “Properties
  4. Now click on the IPv4 Properties.
  5. Now check “Use the following DNS server addresses“. Now type in the followings: (You can either use the Google DNS or OpenDNS servers)
    Preferred DNS Server:  OR
    Alternate DNS Server:  OR


Now click on “OK” and then again “OK“. Now your settings has been changed, I suggest to restart your adapter after changing these settings. Now enjoy the better speed without paying extra charges.